Support That Is Individual To You
We want everyone to have the support that is right for them. You will receive the support that you need, at the time that you need it, including nights.
While other people may need support for only a few hours a day, each person is different, and their support hours will be assessed to meet their need.
Your Support –
Individual To You
Every person we support has the right to expect excellent standards of support.
We are committed to providing you with a skilled and flexible support team designed for you to get the right support when you need it.
We understand that every person we support is unique and our mission is to plan everything to suit your specific individual needs.

The Right Care
Model of Support and setting maximises people’s choice, control and independence.
The Right Support
Support is person-centred to you and promotes dignity, privacy and human rights.
The Right Culture
Ethos, values, attitudes and behaviours of leaders and support staff ensure that people using our services lead confident, inclusive and empowered lives.
Supporting You
We will provide person-centred support. In other words, it will be support that is right for you using approaches that suit you. Because everyone is different, – especially with autism, where personal experiences are so unique and different for each person.
Whatever your needs, abilities, goals and aspirations, our support reflects that unique combination. We want to empower people to achieve their aspirations, make the most of their talents and skills, and enjoy independent, fulfilled lives.

Partnership working is important
We know that we can best meet people’s needs by working with wider professional teams. These can be Community Learning Disabilities Teams, Community Mental Health Teams, Speach and Language Therapists (SALT), and Social Care Teams.
Together, we assess, plan and review support that is designed for you and is vital to meet your unique needs, goals and aspirations..
Got a Question?
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We’re here to help.